Monday 14 October 2013

Thyme against acne

Mike Walden review author of acne no more program-Thyme may offer the best treatment for acne, according to experts at Leeds Metropolitan University.
The well known to the Greeks as in other Mediterranean people herb proving, as the researchers say, a very good and very natural alternative for acne sufferers who have sensitive skin and usually occurs irritations due to the application of antibacterial ointments.

Treatment with herbal tinctures
The researchers investigated the effect of thyme, myrrh and marigold to the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes that causes acne affecting the skin pores. In the context of their experiments tinctures used - ie alcoholic extracts - plant.
As explained by the head of the research group Margarita Gomez-Eskalanta, professor at Leeds Metropolitan University, "plants soaked in alcohol for days or weeks to create the tincture. From this process are released all their active substances. Although thyme, marigold and myrrh are common vegetable alternative to conventional antibacterial agents for the skin, our study is the first to demonstrate their effect on the bacterium that cause infections leading to acne. "
According to the results of study all herbal tinctures created by experts 'Terminator' bacterium acne after five minutes. However thyme proved to be the most powerful "medicine" against acne. The herb also appeared to be more effective than benzoyl peroxide which is the main active ingredient of most ointments and cleaning products for the skin which employ people with acne.

As noted Dr Gomez-Eskalanta during the Spring Conference of the Society for General Microbiology in Dublin this week 'now needs to conduct additional experiments in conditions that more closely resemble the environment of the skin and to understand how these tinctures act at the molecular level. If the tincture of thyme that is clinically proven as effective as evidenced by our findings may provide a natural alternative to conventional drug therapies. " 
the researcher noted that the main problem with medicines containing benzoyl peroxide are the side effects such as heartburn and skin irritation. "The herbal extracts but" he "is not as' hard 'for the skin thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties while at the same time, according to our findings so far, seems to be equally - if not more - effective than chemical drugs' .

Diet for acne

Mike Walden review author of acne no more program-Acne is a dermatological disease which, until a few years ago mainly troubled teenagers, but lately it has reached to employ up to 85% of adults, mostly women, particularly in the western world. Causes of acne is hereditary predisposition , hormonal and endocrine factors such the polycystic ovary syndrome, taking certain medications and lifestyle. In this including stress, diet, environmental pollution and "bad" skin care routine, coupled with blunders in acne lesions, usually by the same person.

Acne is characterized by four stakeholders: hyperactivity of sebaceous glands and the clogging of their resources, caused by the action of androgens, leading to increased production of sebum and bacteria culture from the propionovaktiridio acne and / or Staphylococcus. 

Shown with various skin lesions, other serious and some less serious, painful or not, and in various parts of the body, especially the face, but also on the neck, back, shoulders, chest, arms and buttocks. before a years, scientific studies did not correlate nutrition with acne. 
There was a suspicion of personal testimonies that some foods, such as dairy products, chocolate and foods with a high glycemic load aggravate acne, but just the last five years start to 'accumulate' studies documented and scientifically. 

Before we to foods that aggravate and those that improve acne, will refer to the biochemical mechanism appears to be linked certain foods with the appearance of acne. The edge can be considered as a disease - indicator of excessive insulinotropic action of western diet (insulinotropic = promotes release of insulin). T the milk and all products containing whey proteins, contribute to increased postprandial insulin and insoulinomimitikou like growth factor I (IGF-1) levels. The elevated levels of insulin and IGF-1, through some complex metabolic pathways result in the biochemical connection, with four main factors that cause acne and reported previously. Also diets high glycemic load (a pointer linking the quality and quantity of carbohydrate in a food) affect the metabolism of IGF-1 and androgen, resulting in deterioration of the edge are not necessarily high levels of hormones blood, while a donation. treatment of acne is usually long and difficult to achieve.

Treating acne with Isolaz Anti Acne

Mike Walden review author of acne no more program-Acne is a chronic inflammation of the pilosebaceous gland is related to the hormonal changes that occur during adolescence but often appears after 30, affecting both sexes equally. 

The hair, sebum and keratinocytes accumulate in the hair follicle ekforitiko resource, the clog and block the flow of sebum reaches the skin surface and thus created comedones. 
The propionic acid bacterium is the main for the appearance of acne. Purpose of acne treatment is to reduce the number of bacteria, to eliminate the clogging of sebaceous gland pore and minimize the quality and quantity of production of sebum. Treatment Isolaz Antiance is innovative because it is the only one that combines with the suction skin broad spectrum healing light (480-1250nm). In this way we have both the mechanical action of suction which removes excess sebum from the pores and the other broad-spectrum light which has the effect of increasing the production of porphyrins enzymes which are photosensitive. These enzymes are the enemy of propionic bacterium acne.

The treatment has no pain, is absolutely safe and has very good results. The sessions will take from 4-6 depending on the problem and can be applied from mild to comedogenic acne cystic. A slight redness and swelling may occur in the region will take up to 24 hours.

Treating acne with thyme

Mike Walden review author of acne no more program-A more effective solution for the treatment of acne is not in creams but in nature. Researchers at Leeds Metropolitan University have discovered that the best remedy might be in the thyme, and the tincture of kills the bacteria responsible for acne in less than five minutes!

The investigators examined the effect of thyme in Propionibacterium acnes, the bacterium that causes acne, infecting the skin pores, and found that it was much more effective than ordinary creams, which contain benzoyl peroxide, which is the active substance that exists in most products against acne.
The research results presented by lead researcher Dr. Margarita Gomez-Escalada at the conference of the Company for General Microbiology, held in Dublin. As he said, the research is necessary to continue in conditions that more closely resemble the environment of the skin to determine how the tincture of thyme and other plants at the molecular level. "If the tincture of thyme proved so effective clinically shown to be in our study, may be a natural alternative treatment," said Dr. Gomez-Escalada. "The problem with treatments containing benzoyl peroxide are the side effects they cause.
Very often after using them a burning sensation and skin irritation. The herbal preparations are less harsh on the skin, because they are anti-inflammatory properties, while our research shows that they can be equally-if not more effectively with chemical treatments. "

Thyme is also used to treat problems of the stomach and intestine, gingivitis, and for the relief of coughs, colds and flu. However, the internal use should be made with caution, because when repeated too often can cause an overactive thyroid or even poisoning.

Laser treatment of acne and problem skin

Mike Walden review author of acne no more program-What is acne?

Acne is a disease of sebaceous follicles, which usually begins in adolescence, but occurs later in life. Observed increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, accumulation and retention of epithelial cells in the gland exit channel, leading to clogging and the formation of so-called comedon. Under the influence of bacteria present in the affected areas occurs andinflammation.


Acne affects most often called seborrheic areas of the face, neck, upper back and chest.

What treatments are available?

The traditional response of medicine in these cases antibiotic treatment - local and general, retinoids / derivatives of vitamin A / hormonal, peeling, dermabrasion, phototherapy, etc.. All these factors lead to increased skin sensitivity and their effects develops slowly. The most recent and current trends in treating acne is the use of Nd: YAG laser.

How Nd: YAG laser effect on problem skin?

The laser light through a photochemical reaction, is converted into thermal energy. The heating of the skin leads to stimulation of the metabolism and affects the healing processes of skin. Enhances blood circulation and improves skin nutrition. This leads to increased local immunity in regulating the function of the sebaceous glands. How do you feel during the procedure? The process is convenient. After this the skin is warm and distinctive pink hue, which is observed for 10-15 minutes

In suitable cases meq these procedures;

No restrictions - are suitable from puberty to adulthood for both men and women. How long a process?

Average time is 20-30 minutes.

How many treatments are needed?

To achieve a good result, it is necessary to make 5-6 procedures at intervals of 2-3 weeks and then recommended maintenance procedures according to personal skin condition.

What results can we expect after this procedure?
The strong antimicrobial and antiloimoxiki action of laser light leads to peace and resolution of inflammatory lesions in smoothing oiliness and improve elasticity and tone the skin. Procedures with "Neodymium" laser damage and leave no scars.

Need and other procedures?

Treatment of acne is complex and sometimes long process. For a complete and comprehensive solution to the problem of acne and problem skin laser centers Picasso implement individual programs and consulting dermatologist Includes laser procedures in conjunction with medical cosmetics.